This is a fake Christmas closure message in our popup. As you can see, we can bold, italicize, hyperlink, and use bulleted and numbered lists in this popup.
The popup displays on the screen until the user closes it with the “X” in the upper right corner of the popup box.
The popup reappears on every new page that the user navigates to on the main Museum site.
This is used for aggressive messaging. The public must not ignore the message (for example, when it needs to be made absolutely clear to the public that the Museum is closed).
If need be, here is additional paragraph content. The character count for the popup is 1600 including spaces.
This is a fake new years eve alert banner closure message. This one will appear on every page upon first load, until closed. Once closed, it will not appear again until the browser is closed and re-opened or cache is cleared. Styling options are also available in this banner, but the character limit is 506 including spaces.
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