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Copy – Jane Goodall – Reasons for Hope (SH)

Now Playing


45 minutes


$24 plus tax


English, French




General public



3D, CINÉ+ screen

About the film

Drawing on decades of work by the world’s most famous living ethologist and environmentalist, Jane Goodall – Reasons for Hope is an uplifting journey around the globe to highlight good news stories that will inspire viewers to make a difference in the world around them.

Featured stories — such as the worldwide-recognized Sudbury regreening story, the re-introduction of the American bison by the Blackfeet Nation, the northern bald ibis’ migration over the Alps, and inspiring youth-led initiatives involved in Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots — are accompanied by historic footage of Jane’s beginnings as a chimpanzee researcher.

From start to finish, the film reinforces the four reasons for hope, according to Jane, to foster tremendous optimism for the future: the amazing human intellect, the resilience of nature, the power and dedication of young people, and the indomitable human spirit.

Jane revolutionized how we view the world. Join her on this adventure of inspiration and hope.

Canadian Museum of History

Exterior building image with snowy trails


Canadian Museum of History


Step in from the cold and celebrate Winterlude at the Canadian Museum of History!

Experience some of the customs and protocols behind Indigenous pow wows. While walking through Iceberg, experience an immersive and playful sound and light piece that tells the story of an iceberg. Explore the world of the magnificent blue whale, a species rebounding from the brink of extinction, with Blue Whales: Return of the Giants.

Admission to the Museum includes access to the Canadian Children’s Museum, CINÉ+, and all galleries and exhibitions.

A large circular painting on the ceiling of the Canadian Museum of History in Ottawa.


Canadian Museum of History

Morning Star

Étoile du matin – Gambeh Then’

Étoile du matin, chef d’œuvre d’Alex Janvier peint en 1993, orne le dôme du salon Haida Gwaii du Musée. Cette peinture murale s’élève à une hauteur de sept étages au-dessus du salon et s’étend sur 418 m2. Janvier l’a réalisée en un peu plus de trois mois, avec l’aide de son fils Dean. Étoile du matin illustre le point de vue de l’artiste déné suline sur l’histoire de la terre que nous habitons et exprime l’espoir d’un respect mutuel.

Jane Goodall – Reasons for Hope

Jane Goodall – Reasons for Hope

Join Jane on this adventure of inspiration and hope.

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