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From Sylvie Madely, Vice-President, Development: Thank you for your help during these tough times


  • Sylvie Madely


Mar. 8, 2021

Headshot of Sylvie Madely, Vice-President of Development.

Sylvie Madely, Vice-President, Development

I HOPE that you and those you care about are safe and well and getting the support you need during this time of isolation.

Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your support as we all face the impact of COVID-19. Now more than ever, we appreciate your loyalty as a valued member of the Museums’ donor family. Your steadfast support during this unprecedented period helps make possible the inspirational work of our curators, conservators, researchers and educators in preserving, protecting and displaying Canada’s historical treasures.

Even at the best of times, your donations provide critical support and always make a difference. But this is especially so during the current period of uncertainty and upheaval.

The closure of our Museums last March was in the best interest of public health and safety, but it resulted in a drastic decline in our operating revenues. In fact, a significant portion of our revenues disappeared overnight. The shutdowns put an end to all ticket sales, as well as gift-shop, event-rental, parking, restaurant and other income on which we depend. Even with partial re-openings, ongoing capacity restrictions have meant that we can welcome a mere fraction of the visitors we saw before the pandemic.

With costs far outweighing revenues, many of our projects had to be cancelled, downsized, or postponed and completely re-envisioned. The highly anticipated Queens of Egypt exhibition at the History Museum and the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day at the War Museum are but two examples of the Museum’s commitment to continuing to deliver on our mandates under entirely new circumstances.

The silver linings? First, we are resourceful. Second, government funding of our Museums will also help us weather the storm. Third, while still far from calm waters, when we look to the future and consider the deep connection we enjoy with our community of private supporters, we move forward with a strong sense of optimism.

Please be proud of your generosity to us. Tell your friends that you support the Museums and encourage them to do the same. Together we can respond to this crisis and make a real impact on the future of our Museums.

We look forward to welcoming you back as soon as the situation permits. Until then, I hope this issue of Kudos! is helpful in keeping you informed and engaged. If there’s something we should know or feedback you’d like to share, please send me an e-mail at We welcome your feedback as well as conversations about what motivates you to give to the Museums and what you want to achieve through your support.

Once again, thank you. Stay well and take good care of yourself and your loved ones.


Sylvie Madely, Vice-President, Development
